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Vata - Vata energy is often said to be like the wind. It is primarily in charge of mobility, motion, circulation, breathing and other essential body functions. Vata- type of personalities are known to be creative and energetic when they are in balance but fearful, stress out and “scatter-brained” when they are not. Physically, vata types are usually on the thin side, have smaller bones and tend not to put on weight easily.
Pitta - Pitta is the energy force that governs most metabolic activity including digestion, absorption of nutrients, body temperature and energy expenditure. Pitta type of personalities tend to be smart, hard-working and driven (even competitive) when in balance but can be overly angry and aggressive when they are not.
Kapha - Kapha controls growth in the body and is considered the nourishing dosha. It supplies moisturize to the cells and organs and helps keep a strong immune system. Kaphatypes of personalities are known for being grounded, supportive, loving and forgiving when in balance - almost like a maternal figure.

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