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About us


Our History

Ayurveda is all about the intake of natural medicine provided by the earth’s elements. Shanta Ayurveda Hospital wishes to remove the misconception of Ayurveda as just a massage. Rather, it deals with much more. It takes a holistic approach to an individual’s physical, mental & spiritual planes and heals them for a better life.

In this modern age, sufferings of people are due to numerous reasons. At a time when contemporary sciences appear to be failing to address these problems comprehensively, we are promoting a system which has always advocated a holistic approach in dealing with health-related problems

This led us to start a 24 bed Ayurvedic Hospital in the heart of Chennai.

We offer all kinds of Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments including Kerala specialities such as Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, Podikhizi, Dhara, Kashayavasti& oil applications.

Welcome to Shanta Ayurveda

Shanta Ayurveda Hospital was started with the aim of providing holistic, natural and effective treatment. The hospital is committed in taking guidance of all the advanced diagnostic methods of allopathy and effective natural treatment procedures of Ayurveda. 


Treatments Offered 

The specialized treatments provided at the Shanta Ayurveda Hospital, are popularly called "Kerala Treatments" and were developed centuries ago by physicians in Kerala. The research conducted by the ancient physicians has left an imprint on therapeutic techniques such as Dhara, Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, Sirovasthi etc. which are most effective in chronic diseases. Shanta Ayurveda Hospital has evolved special treatment programmes for back-pain, spondylitis, hypertension, obesity, skin disease, insomnia, sleeplessness, stress management, arthritis, sinusitis, diabetes, migraine and psychiatric illness.

The Philosophy of Ayurveda

The knowledge of life and longevity, Ayurveda, is perhaps the oldest existing body of knowledge on the healing system. This holistic and natural healing system was developed by highly evolved spiritual beings who not only addressed the problems of the body and mind but also of the human spirit and consciousness. This knowledge system, which is in perfect harmony with the Indian thought process and its origin, can be traced to the Vedas and does not aim to merely cure the disease syndrome. Instead, it looks to reharmonise the living body and restore it to its natural state of equilibrium.

Ayurveda goes far beyond being a mere system of medicine. It is a way of life, propounded specially for the upliftment of mankind. The original Ayurveda treatises give a comprehensive description of how to live one’s life in tune with nature, free of disease and illness. Ayurveda gives a graphic account of how the living body is only a microcosm, and nature and all the elements that exist in it, are reflected in the human body. This close interconnection with nature forms the basis for the indigenous thought process of Ayurveda. It is the foundation on which all the theories, principles and classifications of Ayurveda, are built.

Ayurveda teaches that health is maintained by the balance of the three functional mechanisms; know as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. All Ayurveda treatments are designed to return these forces to a harmonious balance rather than treat what their imbalance manifests. Thus, it focuses on causes rather than symptoms. Since each individual has their own particular physiological constitution, Ayurveda treats the individual and not the disease. Such an approach has proved to be highly effective through the centuries and consequently, many Ayurvedic healing regimens have been adopted and refined by people all over the world.

Vision & Mission



To achieve excellence in providing the best form of traditional Ayurvedic treatment.



Consistent, care and service to achieve well being through Ayurvedic treatment.

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